5 Things You Should Know Before Getting SureSmile® Braces

December 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — pc_dentistry_team @ 3:07 pm
closeup of woman holding SureSmile aligner

Do you wish you could straighten your teeth without having to endure the awkwardness of metal wires and brackets? Well, you’re in luck! SureSmile clear aligners are a unique orthodontic treatment that offers optimal flexibility and functionality without affecting your everyday life. They’ll allow you to discreetly and comfortably achieve the smile you’ve always wanted! Before moving forward with treatment, here are a few things you should know about the process.

You Need to Meet the Recommended Wear-Time

Unlike traditional metal braces, SureSmile aligners work by applying gentle pressure to your teeth to move them into more desirable positions. To ensure successful treatment, you need to wear the plastic trays for at least 20-22 hours each day. After a few weeks, you’ll advance to the next set in the series. Failing to meet the recommended wear-time will put you at risk of extending the length of your treatment, which can cost you more time and money down the line.

The Aligners Are Virtually Invisible

One significant advantage of SureSmile is its subtlety. The smooth plastic design of the aligners makes them appear virtually invisible! Of course, you should keep in mind that they’ll only appear that way if you take proper care of your trays. Make sure you clean your plastic trays regularly to prevent staining and discoloration.

There May Be Changes in Speech

After getting SureSmile aligners, you may have difficulty speaking and making certain sounds. Because your tongue is used to speaking without the aligners, it’ll take some time for you to adjust to talking with the trays in your mouth. The good news is that any lisp you develop is temporary and will go away once you adjust to treatment. You can speed up this process by reading aloud, having more conversations with loved ones, and repeating difficult-to-pronounce words.

You Might Receive More Attachments Than Expected

You may receive more attachments than anticipated depending on the severity of your orthodontic issues. These are enamel-colored ridges that bond to your teeth, allowing them to move more efficiently. Keep in mind that you may look like you’re wearing clear braces with these attachments in place.

Your Aligners Must Be Removed Before Eating

There are no dietary restrictions while undergoing SureSmile treatment, which is a huge benefit for many people. However, you will need to remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything that’s not water. Otherwise, you are at risk of damaging your trays, potentially causing stains or cracks.

Now that you know more about SureSmile, are you ready to start your smile journey? If so, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist today to schedule a consultation!

About the Practice

At Peterson & Cammack Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we’re proud to offer comprehensive services for patients of all ages. From standard checkups to complex restorative treatments to modern orthodontic solutions, we’ve got everything you need in one convenient location. If you want to straighten your teeth with SureSmile®, feel free to schedule a consultation with our team. You can do that via our website or call (360) 459-4420.

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