Oral and Overall Health Facts from Your Dentists in Lacey, Drs. Venn R. Peterson & Spenser Cammack

October 1, 2015

find out about the connection between oral and overall health from your dentists in laceyThe health of your teeth, gums and bone structure impacts your overall health. Tooth decay, gum disease, tooth loss, and poorly aligned bite all interplay with how the rest of your body functions.

The health of your mouth is intertwined with overall health

Your Lacey dentists from Peterson & Cammack Family & Cosmetic Dentistry maintain that what happens in your mouth influences your systemic health–for better or for worse. That’s why they recommend semi-annual dental examinations and cleanings for their patients of all ages.

Venn R. Peterson DDS and Spenser Cammack DDS check for tooth decay, proper bite and jaw joint function, condition of restorations such as fillings and crowns, gum disease and even oral cancer. They understand that left unchecked, small problems become big problems.

Take, for example, gum disease or periodontitis. When plaque and tartar accumulate at and under the gumline, soft tissue eventually infects and recedes, loosening teeth and destroying underlying bone. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic state that the oral bacteria and accompanying inflammation contributes to devastating health conditions such as:

  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • diabetes
  • hypertension
  • stroke
  • heart attack
  • coronary artery disease
  • dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
  • low birth weight infants
  • pregnancy complications
  • asthma and other respiratory conditions

Even deteriorating and poorly functioning restorations, such as crowns and fillings, and a poor dental bite can complicate oral health and its systemic effects. Misaligned teeth and bone structure typically cause headaches, jaw discomfort, sinus problems, neck and back pain and other maxillofacial issues.

What can you do?

Doctors Peterson and Cammack highly recommend thorough, semi-annual dental cleanings for all their patients, whatever the age and walk of life. Cleanings remove sticky plaque and rock-hard tartar that contain the micro-organisms that infect and destroy gum tissue, decay and loosen teeth and ultimately destroy jaw bone.

Deep tooth scaling and root planing smooth root surfaces, allowing gum tissue to re-attach. The dentists often instill antibiotics to cure the infection, too.

In addition, we all must practice disciplined dental hygiene at home. For children through adults in their senior years,  the American Dental Association advises brushing with a fluoride toothpaste twice daily and flossing between and around teeth once a day to remove the plaque and food residue that brushes miss.

Combining good hygiene with a healthy, balanced diet makes for good-looking and long-lasting smiles. Less sugar and more lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy help teeth and gums stay intact and bright, and good eating translates to better systemic health, too.

Keep your 6-month exam appointment

Don’t postpone your dental check-ups and cleanings with Lacey area dentists, Venn R. Peterson DDS and Spenser Cammack DDS. Your teeth and gums need regular care to stay healthy. Not only will your smile thank you, but the rest of your body will as well. Contact Peterson & Cammack Family & Cosmetic Dentistry for an appointment.

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